Hold on. Despite a poor critical reception, the album topped the charts in the UK and the US. The Long and Winding Road went to #1 in the US. Which fans were the ones that greeted the album with ‘disappointment and dread’?

I grew up without ever having seen the original film. People who had seen it would shame their heads and say things like, “it’s so sad,” or “it’s like watching a divorce.” The knowledge passed down was that it was a sour end to a wonderful career, and not worth seeking out.

Get Back then, was a revelation. Maybe there’s a bit of revisionism, but actually, for all your complaining of Pollyannaism, it’s phenomenally revealing. John doesn’t show up until late every day, it’s clear his attention is elsewhere. George is tense and visibly grumpy. There are prolonged sections where Paul is close to tears. Even Ringo looks frayed. It’s here in Get Back, not in Lindsay-Hogg’s original that the row between Paul and George is shown in full.

Either as a result of Lindsay-Hogg’s inability to impose any kind of order on proceedings, or because the band imposed their will upon the finished product, the original film is a mess. Lindsay-Hogg seems to have managed to edit out almost every element that was worth watching — both the acrimony and the moments of creative brilliance, and it’s clear that despite this rather dismissive take on proceedings, there was an abundance of both.

Jackson’s film benefits immeasurably from being presented chronologically and being given a narrative structure of sorts. Many people, including Mark Lewisohn, have noted that the perception of the sessions as “hell” (John Lennon’s own words) are not supported by the evidence, namely the recording of almost every second the band were together throughout the month of January 1969, both on film and on the original Nagra tapes, all widely available.

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Lovely. Was there for the first time in October. Sorta underwelmed, but whatever.

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Oh I'm a fan of Jackson's 8 hours. They were thrilling. I haven't seen the original doco though. But I was glued to the 8 hours.

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